Flight Simulator 2020

AI traffic and flight in formation attempt Microsoft Flight Simulator Preview: scenic flight

Welcome, this is a flight test in Microsoft Flight Simulator, with the Beta Preview 1.16.13 for press.
In this video I show you a taxiing traffic in Mexico International Airport (MMMX), his takeoff in parallel with an sport plane, and an attempt to fly in close formation with that one. As far as I’m trained to fly very close, I feel that the “dissolve” effect near another plane kills my flight in formation enjoyment. I hope this is only a temporary effect from the beta.


Piloto acrobático, videoblogger de aviación, piloto virtual, videospotter y gran entusiasta aeronáutico.

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37 comentarios

  1. basically what multiplayer is going to be like, probably going to be chaos at the popular airports with hundred of people flying around without atc haha going to be exciting!

  2. probablemente se pone trasparente porque no tendrá colisiones reales entre aviones… entonces se superpondrían las geometrías atravesándose.

    Pero ese efecto transparencia…no me convence tampoco.

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